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Our first team sponsor!

Hello, Caleb Smith here updating you our amazing robotics team Mechanically Challenged. I’m proud to announce that we have our first team sponsor! Kaylee Koons a fellow member of mechanically challenged, Mr. Thrasher a team adviser and I traveled to meet with Mike Beam the Vice President of business development and strategy representing NEXT to discuss possible sponsorship. Luckily, Mike Beam agreed to sponsor our team. Thank You so much Mike and NEXT for being our first team sponsor.


How’s The team doing?

As for an update on our team, we’re doing great!!! Our engineering team has just finished their pulley system build, they’re figuring out what types of things we can do with our robot when build season starts.

Our Programming team is learning new code and new programs thanks to our wonderful programming team mentor Chad Cooper!!


And finally, our Administration team has been hard at work! Kaylee Koons and I have recently finished our business plan. Connor Cadenbach, our team safety officer, completed our safety plan just in time to remind Mrs. Cooper of the rules! Mechanically challenged values safety over anything.