Our Robots


All Jacked UP

“Jack” was our first FRC Robot. Jack was built in Jan/Feb of 2019 with absolutely no idea what we were doing. His name came about because 1) we had no idea what we were doing and only had 4 weeks left to build him and 2) initial ideas included a scissorlift or mechanical jack to lift hatches to higher levels.

His goal was to attach hatches to cargo bays in FIRST 2019 DESTINATION: DEEP SPACE. The general build for the hatch attacher was developed from plans posted by Team 118’s Everybot project. The initial idea was to also have an “Elevator” to attach hatches at higher leves, but that idea got scrapped for time. The remnants can be seen in the long pillars holding his sides on.

Jack was programmed in Lab View and ran Tank Drive. He was controlled with two Thrustmaster T 1600 M Joysticks.

2019-06-01 09.49.02.jpg

Hug Bot/”Shawty”/ Shody

2020- Infinite Recharge and 2021- Infinite Recharge At Home

2020 Was our second bot, originally named “Hug Bot.” He was designed to empty balls into the lower scoring port, and run around annoying other players. Our Rookie Team was super excited to continue into year two, and then life got in the way. We basically started over from scratch.

Hug Bot ran Tank Drive, was programed in Java, and ran two cameras. One on the front to drive and one on the back to line up the “ramp.”

We were one of the “Lucky” teams that actually got wheels on the carpet for 2020, competing at the Little Rock Regional but not making it to the tournament.

In preparation for Infinite Recharge At Home, we added wheels to the end of the “ramp” and turned Hug bot into “Shawty”. After competing in an off-season Arkanas Coop event, we also called him “Shody” because he kept falling apart. At one point exploding 3D printed pieces all over the field. Shout out to our awesome driver who switched to defence and got us into the semi-finals!